haihz getiing boreddddddddddddddddddd...anyways the whole time u guys are enjoying ure hols ,a few of us were practising out netball..and instead of me getting rid of all the fats..i think im
getting fatter..cuz when we finish practice, we went mamak dat one time and KFC yesterday..great?URGH..i bought cosmogirl! yay! it turned out not to be dat nice..cuz its full of advertisements..but still...

the three mags i bought.
and I had nothing to do dat one time so i snapped a few stuff..haha sorry im a err..noob?

and there were
HUNDREDS of mosquitoes..im NOT exaggerating..like when u sit down at LEAST 15 fly around u..just imagine..we're so bringing ridsect..

sorry its freaking blur but dats a
mosquito..i was so stupid dat b4 dis i took a picture of it so when i was adjusting the camera and all of course the mosquito was having the time of its life sucking my blood..
so i killed it..and put it on my hand so dats a dead mosquito..haha..oh u can see how red my hand is..
when its was going home time, there was a
FROG at the lorong..
EWWWW..i didnt even dare to go near it..
ewww...btw i didnt have the courage to go near it so sofea helped me take a picture
...ewwww...yes i know its boring..i think have the most boring blog ever..
owh and jesse mccartney co wrote bleeding love..cool eh?