Avril was awesome!! Decided to skip school today. SO my dad wrote the letter for nothing. I was afraid the process of me leaving the school early would be too risky.
I wore PINK. duhhhh My brother sent us to LRT Taman Bahagia. Took the LRT to KL Sentral. Took Monorail to MaharajaLela and there we were. We got there at around 6. Many people sold stuff! Belilah apa lagi. I bought tags and pins and a glowing stick. I got 2 free posters. Shirlie was super excited when she saw Belinda(An 8TV personality). So we asked if we could take a picture together. She was so nice! Then she said "okay lets interview you guys!". woah haha. I felt so malu! She asked Joseph what his favourite Avril song was and he replied 'when you're gone'. She asked us to sing it! I kept laughing so I sang weird-ly! eeeiii. Xiann and Kevin was interviewed too.
I wanted to go toilet first cause I scared I would have to go during the concert. It was a portable toilet so ewwwwww haha. We took our places which was an okay distance from the stage. Then it started raining. oh god. They distributed plastic raincoats. Fair enough. We wore it and took an extra one to cover our posters. We waited for quite awhile. The show started only at 9.15 as oppose to 8.45 when it was supposed to.
SHOW TIME BABY. Avril looked stunning of course. She opened with Girlfriend. She sang her old songs yay! Including my favourite song of hers ' He wasnt'. There was this one time where she kept asking us to make noise then keep quiet. SO cute. And her dancers did a solo performance while she changed, it was awesome! We jumped our butts off during her ending performance which was Sk8ter Boi. Ah. The concert was great! but I wished it would have been longer :( She is staying in Shangri-La Hotel. Lets go and stalk :P