17 and 18th April 2009
On those dates above, I attended Kem Ibadah in school, or Agama camp if u prefer. I felt so dumb, three bags! Hand carry, paper bag and luggage. I was just scared I would miss something you know! But yet, I did not bring a single electronic appliance.
I went with Iman and we headed for the hall for registration. We received a folder with am attendee tag. Were introduced to the captain, Ustaz K and two facilitators. Student facilitators are Jabir, Najmuddin ,Saiful, Siti and one more girl. The Ustaz is funny, luckily. We put our bags in the surau and went for the Asar prayers. Then, we got to the hall, ice breaking and group division. I was my group leader We named our team Az- Zahrah. Others had names like Ibn Sina, Pakatan Rakyat! and tukul besi! We had to make up a cheer and omgosh the tukul besi one. LOL. They yelled tukul besi and Fie somehow knocked each of their heads for the cheer.
Then, we watched disturbing photos. Lesson learnt: Never merempit, be a skinhead or join black metal. Dinner, then off for Maghrib prayers followed by Isyak.
Later, we went on the the hall.
Our seats were further apart and the lights were off. The only light was from the projector screen. The Ustaz kind of gave us a talk on about how we have to be ready for the afterlife and all. Where there will be none of our friends or family helping us. So we have to pretend that we are alone. He played videos on how important our parents are, what things they have done and the pain they had to go through.
I could tell u at that point, everyone started crying. He talked with full emotion and it hit us, that we have to be thankful. I was practically bawling my eyes out. A girl in front of me, she had no mother and she broke down. Totally broke down. I felt so, so bad for her. Yes, everyone cried including the guys. Not just tearing up, pouring their eyes out. we stood up and had a moment of silence and hugged ustazah.
It went on for about 45 minutes. Everyone’s mood was completely overturned. We washed up to sleep. It was I think, 1.30 a.m. Iman and I talked cause we couldn’t really sleep. I had to get my daily dose of chocolate so I indulged on a cookie Gah it was so emotional.
We all woke up at around 4.30 a.m.? For Qiamullail. Then we sat in groups and prepared a presentation. My group’s were so weird. The presentation, I mean. Nobody wanted to present. I had to and god knows I am not good in public speaking. I loved Fie’s one! So funny. Went for breakkie and morning exercise. CHICKEN DANCE! The Ustaz did a super fast one, so cute! Washed up and went to the hall.
This time we did group work. First writing our life graph, ranging from happiest moment to the saddest. Next, we wrote our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Afterwards, we wrote our feedback for the camp. If you find one with the ‘ The Tarik Sedap :)’ That’s mine!
I forgot what happened. This is why u should never blog late. I remember before Asar we had our prize giving for the best 6 groups (out of 8). Our group got 6th HAHA. We were not good at making points at all, but we were good at not losing em! Packed and helped cleaned up. Said goodbye to Ustazah and there, end of camp.
I can’t wait for the next one! The Ustaz super funny la. Everyone ooooh-ed when he received a prize from Puan Norita. Haha.
I got home, couldn’t wait to shower in freezing cold water. Told my mom everything bout the camp as far as I could remember. And I laid there with her. Proud to have a mother :)
Alhamdulillah, camp was an eye opener.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Point of Breaking Down?
I need an adrenaline jump.
Why do all have to be manipulators, really. If you dont mean it, then let it go.
No need to say what u want 'just cause'.
U know what I mean J. Yes u do.
Why do all have to be manipulators, really. If you dont mean it, then let it go.
No need to say what u want 'just cause'.
U know what I mean J. Yes u do.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tagged by Estherrrrrr
1.Those who get tagged must answer the questions about themselves.
2.At the end of the post, tag 10 people except the person who tagged you. (tagger)
3.Continue this game by sending to other people (refer to rule no2)
2.At the end of the post, tag 10 people except the person who tagged you. (tagger)
3.Continue this game by sending to other people (refer to rule no2)
Time:11.12 p.m.
Name: Sabreena binti Zahri
Age/Birthday: Going on 15 on the 11th of July 2009
School: DJ
Elder sister: Syafiq and Sufyan (yes)
Younger sister: -
Younger brother: -
Favourite liquids[drinks]: ermerm. Plain water?
Favourite consumables[food]: Anything to do with chicken and mashed potatoes and not forgetting, Chocolate. Chocolates are the sweetest sin ever.
Favourite place to sleep: At home?
Flying?: Sure?
Swimming/Diving?: Both?
Couple?: of what? (really, it wont hurt the tag maker to add in a few more words to complete the sentence)
Loved ones?: family and friends and my yang.
Get kicked on the butt: Yea, kind of.
Allergic?: I THINK I am allergic to certain cats. I THINK.
Whole fortune: I have stated my point on the 'couple' question.
Age of marriage?:
Childrens wanted?: 3 or 4?
Age of death?: Untouchable question.
Animals in house?: Pigs.
Longest fingernail ever kept: Hmmm.. I dont measure my fingernails.
Wanted birthday present: Twister, Jonas Brothers related stuff( mainly the movie soundtrack, the book) , Miley related stuff, The teen game of life, Capo, Microcube, Happiness :)
The end? :Again, I have stated my point on the 'couple' question.
Q: In your dream, a god tells you that you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?
A: Oh gosh. Many many things. But honestly, as superficial as it sounds, I would really want to stop poverty with my yang.
5 things to do:
- Pack for camp
- Draw the stupid darn components for KH
- Homework, drat homework.
- Sleep off my eyebags
- Change.
things that I am doing right now:
- Listening to 'Ur so Gay'
i tagggggg...
- Iman
- Joshua
- Siew Ho
- Sam
- Manda
- Dele
- Fatin and Alisha
Friday, April 10, 2009
Maulidur Rasul '09
8th April 2009
Today was Maulidur Rasul celebration in school. A lot of people did not come(to school I mean) cause they claimed it was only Moral studies bahahaha. A few days ago Siti called me up to ask whether I can be in the sketch for Maulidur Rasul. I was so reluctant but she was having problems you know, so being the good samaritan I am, I did :)
We had practices on Monday and Tuesday. Practices were fun laa. Met many new, nice people. Anyways, on the day itself, I wore all white(kinda). Made Iman wait for me cause I did not wanna wander around aimlessly! We registered and Iman and I joined the Selawat parade. At the last minute Siti told me I had to be onstage. I was supposed to be backstage. I WANTED TO STAY BACKSTAGE but she went on how I have to help the sketch =.= and so I did. Pshh horrible decision I must say.
After a while, we went on the hall and listened to the invited speaker. He was so darn funny! The things he say, gosh it is unimagineable. Meanwhile I was freaking out bout going onstage eventhough it is gonna be less than 30 secs. Then it was the Nasyid where Izzat's solo looked like he was a rocker. Next was the singing performance where Ersyad Junior and Jabir performed. After that, was Sajak. I did not get to watch the Sajak cause we went up backstage to get ready. It was chaotic backstage! Everyone was trying to look out the curtain to see how the sketch is going. And no fans ( as in the spinning items not the spectators) , I might add. When it was my turn, I felt like a total idiot. I was supposed to go out and fan the angel, or Zack. So I did. Emotionless. Swung the fan five times and left. GAH.
The sketch went totally well I guess. Everyone seemed to love it. We hung out in the Agama Room after that. Ate the cake Siti bought! Thank you Siti :) And hilarious incidents happened in the room la, Jabir and his lameness. Oh, Iman, Edry and I were supposed to pick up stuff backstage. We couldnt find the light switch and freaked ourselves out XD
Iman and I changed and went for English Society. I dont know why, but it is one of the curriculum acitivity I do not wanna miss.
I am writing this on 10th April,Friday Night and all I can say is
Today was Maulidur Rasul celebration in school. A lot of people did not come(to school I mean) cause they claimed it was only Moral studies bahahaha. A few days ago Siti called me up to ask whether I can be in the sketch for Maulidur Rasul. I was so reluctant but she was having problems you know, so being the good samaritan I am, I did :)
We had practices on Monday and Tuesday. Practices were fun laa. Met many new, nice people. Anyways, on the day itself, I wore all white(kinda). Made Iman wait for me cause I did not wanna wander around aimlessly! We registered and Iman and I joined the Selawat parade. At the last minute Siti told me I had to be onstage. I was supposed to be backstage. I WANTED TO STAY BACKSTAGE but she went on how I have to help the sketch =.= and so I did. Pshh horrible decision I must say.
After a while, we went on the hall and listened to the invited speaker. He was so darn funny! The things he say, gosh it is unimagineable. Meanwhile I was freaking out bout going onstage eventhough it is gonna be less than 30 secs. Then it was the Nasyid where Izzat's solo looked like he was a rocker. Next was the singing performance where Ersyad Junior and Jabir performed. After that, was Sajak. I did not get to watch the Sajak cause we went up backstage to get ready. It was chaotic backstage! Everyone was trying to look out the curtain to see how the sketch is going. And no fans ( as in the spinning items not the spectators) , I might add. When it was my turn, I felt like a total idiot. I was supposed to go out and fan the angel, or Zack. So I did. Emotionless. Swung the fan five times and left. GAH.
The sketch went totally well I guess. Everyone seemed to love it. We hung out in the Agama Room after that. Ate the cake Siti bought! Thank you Siti :) And hilarious incidents happened in the room la, Jabir and his lameness. Oh, Iman, Edry and I were supposed to pick up stuff backstage. We couldnt find the light switch and freaked ourselves out XD
Iman and I changed and went for English Society. I dont know why, but it is one of the curriculum acitivity I do not wanna miss.
I am writing this on 10th April,Friday Night and all I can say is
Sunday, April 5, 2009
5 th April 2009
Edward Pang Siew Ho :)
This guy, is a gangster X-2009. He is sucky. And he loves XOXOs. And he loves drawing on MSN.
Have an awesome fifteenth.
U still suck.
Have an awesome fifteenth.
U still suck.
Anyways, on Saturday night which is the 4th of April, we had a bday dinner for Siew Ho. Alot of people could not make it because I'm such a last minute person grrr.. BUT, Esther,Iman,Andrea made it. And Siew Ho of course. It was raining so darn heavily! We went to Swensen's SS2. I walked under the rain without an umbrella while the others were struggling to open it XD
I love the waiter. We told him everytime the food comes, pass it to Esther so that she can snap pics of it ( Oh My Slurps, wait for an update!) but the family behind us so damn mafan. EESH. So kuno.
Siew Ho was kind of cautious when he wanted to order cause he scared he would not be able to pay it off. Esther and I were wondering, shouldn't the birthday boy not pay? sheesh. haha. So I lied to him by telling him he could order wtv cause Esther had a card.

THEN, we went back to order Earthquake. You know? The 8 scoops of ice cream with sprinkles and all and dried ice in the middle?yeah. And we could put candles on it! Esther was so happy when siew ho went up to the toilet. So she could bring the earthquake out. I went up and stalled Siew Ho by the excuse of wanting to take pictures. MUAHAHHA

We went down and he got his earthquake :) We could not care less bout the mafan family and we sang and took pictures and made noise.HAH. Sorry, I know it is very inconsiderate when people are trying to have a nice meal but you know, a smile doesnt kill. We went back to Esther's place and I sent Siew Ho home.

It know it's too late, but happy birthday :)

I love the waiter. We told him everytime the food comes, pass it to Esther so that she can snap pics of it ( Oh My Slurps, wait for an update!) but the family behind us so damn mafan. EESH. So kuno.
Siew Ho was kind of cautious when he wanted to order cause he scared he would not be able to pay it off. Esther and I were wondering, shouldn't the birthday boy not pay? sheesh. haha. So I lied to him by telling him he could order wtv cause Esther had a card.

THEN, we went back to order Earthquake. You know? The 8 scoops of ice cream with sprinkles and all and dried ice in the middle?yeah. And we could put candles on it! Esther was so happy when siew ho went up to the toilet. So she could bring the earthquake out. I went up and stalled Siew Ho by the excuse of wanting to take pictures. MUAHAHHA
We went down and he got his earthquake :) We could not care less bout the mafan family and we sang and took pictures and made noise.HAH. Sorry, I know it is very inconsiderate when people are trying to have a nice meal but you know, a smile doesnt kill. We went back to Esther's place and I sent Siew Ho home.
It know it's too late, but happy birthday :)
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