My dad's very good friend has just passed away. He suffered from lymphoma cancer, and was at a critical stage. The last time I saw him, his voice was raspy and small, he was so, so thin.
My dad visited him in hospital frequently, visited his home, and took him to Terengganu for treatment.
Zaki (his name) had a company of his own, something to do with being a contractor. SO his wife runs it now. He didn't spent his days moaning bout being gone, or partying his life away. He worked hard, traveled around to find a last project that he could for the company, to support his family with the money after he was gone.
May Allah bless his soul.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I can DEFINITELY say, that in these couple of days, I have been more stressed out than I have been for PMR. Like, fo' shizzle. Everything did not seem to fall into place.
I had no clue about how to debate. But gah I have friends that are golden, ones of a kind. They helped me through SO MUCH. They totally dealt with all my insecurities. Thank you Timothy and Andrea, for spending A WHOLE LOT of time helping Sandra and I for the first night. Seriously. I understood everything *well almost* that you guys said. You have imparted wisdom upon us :D esther too! Thanks :D
The first night that we had our very first debate discussion ( well, first for Sandra and I) was actually very fun . We went to Papa's Cafe cause KopiTime's wifi was down. (papatime!)
At Kopi Time:
us: S'cuse me, do you have wifi?
waiter: no problem!
So we were like, what? Asked again, then they said no wifi. pfft. Neither did KFC.
Oh Tim, I have NO IDEA how was opened in one of our tabs. Bleh, who needs *shy face*. We started discussing around 4 and ended at 10 or so? That's very long! And I can say, I did so much. I may not have done well for the debate the next day, my apologies, it was my first time EVER debating. Oh right, the first motion was "do not count the chickens before they are hatched".
The second debate, the motion was "well said is better than well done". I was definitely the weakest out of my team. Again, I'm sorry. I did try my best. I really did. I stayed up researching but I guess I didn't do it right.
My dear viewers, I am sorry if you think I do not deserve to be in the team. But you have no right to say I can not do it, to say I am not capable of doing so. I have always wanted to be a debater. Those debates were my first tries. I would try my best, to prove you wrong. To prove to you that I can do it. And how did I gain my self confidence?
Sandra Chong Min San, I love you.
Thanks so much, SO MUCH. You were, and I know you will, always be there for me. Thanks for calming me down, for helping me realize that I can do it. Thanks for giving me a shoulder to cry on (literally).
Iman Najwa bt Abdul Razak, I love you.
Thank you so much! You give me undying support. Always being there for me, and for that, thank you. Thank you for being my number one cheerleader.
Erica Chan Shearn Ean, I love you.
This girl has been through the thick and thin with me for a long time, and I hope for many years to come. Thanks Erica, for all of the motivation and everything, for making me realize that I am not all the thing I've said that's been putting myself down. For believing in me, and for being truthful.
Amanda Soh Sha Lyn, I love you.
For ALWAYS being there for me too. we've known each other for 5 years! And in all those, I can always come to you if I have a problem, and you always offer help and support. Thanks Amanda, our friendship means so much.
Samantha Cheh, I love you.
For being hard on me, but just to make sure I dont always put myself down! The right amount of being stern, and a right amount of love :)
Timothy Sim, I love you
YES I SAID IT. haha. I love my team (tim). You helped me so much, so freaking much. You used up a whole lot of time, just for the good of it. And that, I appreciate :)
Andrea Prisha, I love you
For the millions of help, and the patience you have with me :)
I have no idea what I did to deserve such great friends.
Again, It's been such a stressful week. I wanted to scream, wanted to laugh, and wanted to cry at the same time. SO thanks Sandra, Erica, Iman and Amanda for letting me cry like an idiot and rant in front of you guys. Thanks Esther for the encouragement needed.
Sabreena= busy bee? REALLY? I have to prepare for debate, and arrange the performances for the charity house. Yeah some students from DJ will be visiting an orphanage on the 5th of Nov(kevin's bday!).
Personal note to Sandra:
Gue sayang bangat sama lu sih. Gue sangat terima kasih dengan lo. Yea, we got so much closer post-PMR. And I am glad for that! Good to know I have a friend that's trying all she can to get a scholarship too! EH MY BEST FRIEND THE DYNAMITEZ CHEERLEADER. Love love love! Wish you and your pet a happy ever after :D
Yeah yeah I speak indon with my peeps now.
If you were wondering, why do I spend such a long time blogging and so hung up over just over a few debates. Well, it wasn't just the debates. It's everything else.
I had no clue about how to debate. But gah I have friends that are golden, ones of a kind. They helped me through SO MUCH. They totally dealt with all my insecurities. Thank you Timothy and Andrea, for spending A WHOLE LOT of time helping Sandra and I for the first night. Seriously. I understood everything *well almost* that you guys said. You have imparted wisdom upon us :D esther too! Thanks :D
The first night that we had our very first debate discussion ( well, first for Sandra and I) was actually very fun . We went to Papa's Cafe cause KopiTime's wifi was down. (papatime!)
At Kopi Time:
us: S'cuse me, do you have wifi?
waiter: no problem!
So we were like, what? Asked again, then they said no wifi. pfft. Neither did KFC.
Oh Tim, I have NO IDEA how was opened in one of our tabs. Bleh, who needs *shy face*. We started discussing around 4 and ended at 10 or so? That's very long! And I can say, I did so much. I may not have done well for the debate the next day, my apologies, it was my first time EVER debating. Oh right, the first motion was "do not count the chickens before they are hatched".
The second debate, the motion was "well said is better than well done". I was definitely the weakest out of my team. Again, I'm sorry. I did try my best. I really did. I stayed up researching but I guess I didn't do it right.
My dear viewers, I am sorry if you think I do not deserve to be in the team. But you have no right to say I can not do it, to say I am not capable of doing so. I have always wanted to be a debater. Those debates were my first tries. I would try my best, to prove you wrong. To prove to you that I can do it. And how did I gain my self confidence?
Sandra Chong Min San, I love you.
Thanks so much, SO MUCH. You were, and I know you will, always be there for me. Thanks for calming me down, for helping me realize that I can do it. Thanks for giving me a shoulder to cry on (literally).
Iman Najwa bt Abdul Razak, I love you.
Thank you so much! You give me undying support. Always being there for me, and for that, thank you. Thank you for being my number one cheerleader.
Erica Chan Shearn Ean, I love you.
This girl has been through the thick and thin with me for a long time, and I hope for many years to come. Thanks Erica, for all of the motivation and everything, for making me realize that I am not all the thing I've said that's been putting myself down. For believing in me, and for being truthful.
Amanda Soh Sha Lyn, I love you.
For ALWAYS being there for me too. we've known each other for 5 years! And in all those, I can always come to you if I have a problem, and you always offer help and support. Thanks Amanda, our friendship means so much.
Samantha Cheh, I love you.
For being hard on me, but just to make sure I dont always put myself down! The right amount of being stern, and a right amount of love :)
Timothy Sim, I love you
YES I SAID IT. haha. I love my team (tim). You helped me so much, so freaking much. You used up a whole lot of time, just for the good of it. And that, I appreciate :)
Andrea Prisha, I love you
For the millions of help, and the patience you have with me :)
I have no idea what I did to deserve such great friends.
Again, It's been such a stressful week. I wanted to scream, wanted to laugh, and wanted to cry at the same time. SO thanks Sandra, Erica, Iman and Amanda for letting me cry like an idiot and rant in front of you guys. Thanks Esther for the encouragement needed.
Sabreena= busy bee? REALLY? I have to prepare for debate, and arrange the performances for the charity house. Yeah some students from DJ will be visiting an orphanage on the 5th of Nov(kevin's bday!).
Personal note to Sandra:
Gue sayang bangat sama lu sih. Gue sangat terima kasih dengan lo. Yea, we got so much closer post-PMR. And I am glad for that! Good to know I have a friend that's trying all she can to get a scholarship too! EH MY BEST FRIEND THE DYNAMITEZ CHEERLEADER. Love love love! Wish you and your pet a happy ever after :D
Yeah yeah I speak indon with my peeps now.
If you were wondering, why do I spend such a long time blogging and so hung up over just over a few debates. Well, it wasn't just the debates. It's everything else.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Can we talk the talk?
26th October 09
What have I gotten myself into?
I have never even watched a live english debate nor a clue on how it it supposed to go.
Yay yeah, trying out for the debate team.
I got home around 10.15 p.m. and I've been discussing with Sandra on our speeches since, 4 p.m.? At atria. *yeah we discussed the whole time pfft?*
Wish us luck tomorrow weih :)
What have I gotten myself into?
I have never even watched a live english debate nor a clue on how it it supposed to go.
Yay yeah, trying out for the debate team.
I got home around 10.15 p.m. and I've been discussing with Sandra on our speeches since, 4 p.m.? At atria. *yeah we discussed the whole time pfft?*
Wish us luck tomorrow weih :)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Next time you point a finger I might have to bend it back
I am always going to live in somebody's shadow.
So suck it up and toughen up Sabreena.
So suck it up and toughen up Sabreena.
I think I'm fallin for you
Thursday, 22nd October 2009
I went to school today cause Erica, Sandra, Aly and I took part in the integration program. It wasn't called remote program btw (like we thought), it was RIMUP.
Which stood for
I went to school today cause Erica, Sandra, Aly and I took part in the integration program. It wasn't called remote program btw (like we thought), it was RIMUP.
Which stood for
So basically, students from SMKDU and SMKBU4 came to DJ for a muhibbah event. I thought we were just supposed to help out.
I didn't wanna participate, cause I'm so bad at making new friends. But hah the day was GREAT.
Started off with performances. Sandra, Erica, Amanda and I swayed like we never swayed our hands before :D
Chinese dance, Malay dance, Indian dance, singing, piano.
Then, we had table games, they broke us up into groups and each group had students from each school. It was a totally awkward moment in the beginning. But yeah, when the games started we all just clicked like we've known each other for some time.
I still remember my group members' names. Erm. Christian, Yan Yin, Ying Yin, Yan Hui, Farah Ain, Fatin, Devraj and May. Yay Sabreena :D
Anyways, the tasks for each group were :
i. Suai Mesra - We had to remember each other's names, favourite colour, shoe size and school. We all chose pink, so it's easier to remember =P
ii. Word Search- In which we just hantam-ed.
iii. Prime Ministers' Titles- (Datuk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi- Bapa...........Saudara? ( Ah lameness)
iv. Listing traditional dances- This one was really funny! We were sooo running out of ideas. So we just put tarian perut, tarian peha lompat (hip hop translated).
Then we ate. SO hard eating with plastic cutleries :( . I had to waste so much cause the others finished eating and I was so far behind so I just stopped. Haih.
Sandra and I went to the people who performed and just said "oh hey we loved your performance. Good Job!" FUN.
Overall, a whole day of fun :)
Had another thing to be happy about but hey, keeping it between the girls.
I didn't wanna participate, cause I'm so bad at making new friends. But hah the day was GREAT.
Started off with performances. Sandra, Erica, Amanda and I swayed like we never swayed our hands before :D
Chinese dance, Malay dance, Indian dance, singing, piano.
Then, we had table games, they broke us up into groups and each group had students from each school. It was a totally awkward moment in the beginning. But yeah, when the games started we all just clicked like we've known each other for some time.
I still remember my group members' names. Erm. Christian, Yan Yin, Ying Yin, Yan Hui, Farah Ain, Fatin, Devraj and May. Yay Sabreena :D
Anyways, the tasks for each group were :
i. Suai Mesra - We had to remember each other's names, favourite colour, shoe size and school. We all chose pink, so it's easier to remember =P
ii. Word Search- In which we just hantam-ed.
iii. Prime Ministers' Titles- (Datuk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi- Bapa...........Saudara? ( Ah lameness)
iv. Listing traditional dances- This one was really funny! We were sooo running out of ideas. So we just put tarian perut, tarian peha lompat (hip hop translated).
Then we ate. SO hard eating with plastic cutleries :( . I had to waste so much cause the others finished eating and I was so far behind so I just stopped. Haih.
Sandra and I went to the people who performed and just said "oh hey we loved your performance. Good Job!" FUN.
Overall, a whole day of fun :)
Had another thing to be happy about but hey, keeping it between the girls.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
tried to run but i keep on, coming back
16th of October 2009
3 days after PMR ended.
Had lunch at Nando's. Waited a long time for Esther and Iman there btw.
Our movie plan busted, so we ended up going to the 'bridge', mini karaoke-ed and arcade.
6 people playing a racing game is totally, great. Especially when it ends, and each one of us screams cause some are frustrated to have lost, and some are just glad to have won. Whoo everyone stares, like i care :D

3 days after PMR ended.
Had lunch at Nando's. Waited a long time for Esther and Iman there btw.
Our movie plan busted, so we ended up going to the 'bridge', mini karaoke-ed and arcade.
6 people playing a racing game is totally, great. Especially when it ends, and each one of us screams cause some are frustrated to have lost, and some are just glad to have won. Whoo everyone stares, like i care :D

Saturday, October 17, 2009
B is for BOUNCE
U is for UNITY
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
From The Honeybees -> Sunshines -> Rainbows -> Elbows -> Bows and Arrows -> Flowers.
The wonderful groups of some of the girls in 3 Batai.
To get into the sunshine group, you have to see at least 20 sunsets?
I am still frustrated that I co-created the rainbow group AND its handshake, and I didnt get in cause I havent seen a circular rainbow?
"The only way to see the full circle of a rainbow in the sky is to be above the raindrops and have the sun behind you. You would have to look down on the drops from an airplane."
Got that from the net.
Now I dont think Sandra and Erica would see that on a daily basis now would they?
ANYWAYS. I shall blog bout our handshakes sooner or later.
From The Honeybees -> Sunshines -> Rainbows -> Elbows -> Bows and Arrows -> Flowers.
The wonderful groups of some of the girls in 3 Batai.
To get into the sunshine group, you have to see at least 20 sunsets?
I am still frustrated that I co-created the rainbow group AND its handshake, and I didnt get in cause I havent seen a circular rainbow?
"The only way to see the full circle of a rainbow in the sky is to be above the raindrops and have the sun behind you. You would have to look down on the drops from an airplane."
Got that from the net.
Now I dont think Sandra and Erica would see that on a daily basis now would they?
ANYWAYS. I shall blog bout our handshakes sooner or later.
It takes two to make a thing go right!
13th October 09
WHOO. Walked back from school with Manda and Erica. SO much better than walking by myself. Didn't feel that tired. Let's seeee. What did we talk about when walking? Weird stuff which I forgot. NVM. Reached Manda's place. Changed and ordered Domino's.
Plan : Watch movies!
So we watched Ugly Truth! A must watch :D. So funny! The jokes were sick yeah, but funny!
And for the sake of Amanda, we watched The Proposal. Not like I did mind watching it for the second time heeee. I got to watch the uncut scenes. Gosh Ramone! No Iman sorry, I didnt watch GI Joe. hehe.
Amanda= Fertilised Petunia.

Erica's item to keep her company since we already watched the proposal.

WHOO. Walked back from school with Manda and Erica. SO much better than walking by myself. Didn't feel that tired. Let's seeee. What did we talk about when walking? Weird stuff which I forgot. NVM. Reached Manda's place. Changed and ordered Domino's.
Plan : Watch movies!
So we watched Ugly Truth! A must watch :D. So funny! The jokes were sick yeah, but funny!
And for the sake of Amanda, we watched The Proposal. Not like I did mind watching it for the second time heeee. I got to watch the uncut scenes. Gosh Ramone! No Iman sorry, I didnt watch GI Joe. hehe.
Amanda= Fertilised Petunia.

Erica's item to keep her company since we already watched the proposal.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
PMR is over? Yup. Few months back, i swore to myself that I will scream the second PMR ends, I would not care if the teachers held me back. But really, no feeling of being liberated whatsoever. Guess the papers weren't that easy :( . Science totally messed up my mood. Should have listened to my brother when he said "don't check your answers!". I did anyway, and when I marked one question wrong, let out a huge grunt and closed the paper. Regretting ever checking it pfft. I set out a timer since last week on my watch for KH, but I put it at 1 hour and 15 mins when its actually 1hr 30 mins. After I fixed it to the last ten minutes, it didn't ring anyway gah.
I will so miss PMR. Well not really but just the fun we all went through together!
The recess with old gang :D Its hard to do that now with Daniel, Krys and Tim being prefects and all. PSHHH BLUE.
The cramming things into our head outside class before the papers start.
But its all over, and two months of nothing. I am so going to do everything, from reading books I always wanted to finish to watching movies I never wanted to watch.
Let's seeee. Last day of PMR. I was supposed to go to Tropicana City with Esther and all. Didnt really feel like going, cause I am seriously tired for keeping myself awake all week that I just didnt wanna walk around in a shopping mall. But yesterday, problems? came up. Didnt have transport being one of them. I am sorry Esther :(. I really want to spend the day with youuuu. But really la she is very understanding friend, she would very much get it. If I went with my cranky attitude, what's the point?
Signing off,
Eee why am I typing like this?
I will so miss PMR. Well not really but just the fun we all went through together!
The recess with old gang :D Its hard to do that now with Daniel, Krys and Tim being prefects and all. PSHHH BLUE.
The cramming things into our head outside class before the papers start.
But its all over, and two months of nothing. I am so going to do everything, from reading books I always wanted to finish to watching movies I never wanted to watch.
Let's seeee. Last day of PMR. I was supposed to go to Tropicana City with Esther and all. Didnt really feel like going, cause I am seriously tired for keeping myself awake all week that I just didnt wanna walk around in a shopping mall. But yesterday, problems? came up. Didnt have transport being one of them. I am sorry Esther :(. I really want to spend the day with youuuu. But really la she is very understanding friend, she would very much get it. If I went with my cranky attitude, what's the point?
Signing off,
Eee why am I typing like this?
Friday, October 9, 2009
Dont forget to look before you fall
Taylor Swift just released fifteen's music video. :D
Somebody ought to perform it for DJs Got Talent, no?
Appropriate since its all of our last year being fifteen.
Iman go go go!
Science totally killed my mood. TOTALLY killed it.
I dont wanna go out on the last day of PMR :(
I want to go home and sleep sleep sleep.
But for now, sejarah sejarah sejarah. Joy.
Somebody ought to perform it for DJs Got Talent, no?
Appropriate since its all of our last year being fifteen.
Iman go go go!
Science totally killed my mood. TOTALLY killed it.
I dont wanna go out on the last day of PMR :(
I want to go home and sleep sleep sleep.
But for now, sejarah sejarah sejarah. Joy.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
A few days ago, my brothers and I heard sounds coming up from the roof. Yesterday night, we heard it coming up to the roof on my front awning. Moments later, fireworks started (mooncake festival). My mom thinks it got freaked out so it went down from the roof using yet again, my front awning. Just at that time, my mom's friends were in the car in front of our house and they saw it. Apparently,
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