21st Jan 2009
So 17 th Jan was Esther's party! A bunch of us have been planning a surprise party for her for over a month already. We kept changing the venue, from revolving bintang restaurant to swez brasserie to lafite to finally, souled out. A lot of meetings were held, haha either over msn or in someone's house or One U. It was fun la planning it. Then Siew Ho, Iman and I baked cupcakes for her. That day was fun too (: Not to mention, in the planning process I have found new friends, William, Melvin, Nicky, Zoe, Kar Mun and Wuan Yi.
Anyways, today was school replacement day (urgh). Then when I got home, I watched tv , Got ready, showered. Iman came and we packed the cupcakes. Went to SS2 and went to Roland to get Esther's present. The party was supposed to be semi formal but Esther did not have a dress in her SS2 house! I got angry and stomped out but I went to buy wrapping paper haha. I insisted on her wearing one and so she wore a skirt and a top which looked like a dress. Pretty!
As far as Esther did know, she was going to have dinner with Iman and I at Bubba Gump in Curve. THEN, waited for my parents and the fetched us. I told Esther I had a friend who was celebrating her bday so I wanted to stop by. So we reached, got out and as we were walking to the entrance, a flash of light hit upon us. I thought Souled Out took pictures of us! But it was the guys ( Joshua, Melvin, William and Siew Ho ). Esther was in a major shock! She cried abit :) Melvin kneeled down and took her hand (awww)
Pictures! ( Courtesy of Iman, Leen and Drea)

Ordered food, ate, then Andrea and I wanted to take the cake out. So we prepared everything and so on. I bought this flashing crown and wand for the bday girl. And so we went out with the cake and Esther wore the crown and wand. We sang Happy Birthday and blew her cake for her.

Went back to Esther's condo!

Picture perfect?
I love you guys!

Partay went so well. Totally a success. My only regret was it was too short :(
Special gratitude to Esther, Andrea, Aileen, Joshua, Siew Ho, Iman, Nicky, Wuan Yi, Melvin, William , Ren Chii.
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