Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tagged by Estherrrrrr

1.Those who get tagged must answer the questions about themselves.
2.At the end of the post, tag 10 people except the person who tagged you. (tagger)
3.Continue this game by sending to other people (refer to rule no2)

Time:11.12 p.m.

Name: Sabreena binti Zahri

Age/Birthday: Going on 15 on the 11th of July 2009

School: DJ

Elder sister: Syafiq and Sufyan (yes)
Younger sister: -
Younger brother: -

Favourite liquids[drinks]: ermerm. Plain water?

Favourite consumables[food]: Anything to do with chicken and mashed potatoes and not forgetting, Chocolate. Chocolates are the sweetest sin ever.

Favourite place to sleep: At home?

Flying?: Sure?
Swimming/Diving?: Both?
Couple?: of what? (really, it wont hurt the tag maker to add in a few more words to complete the sentence)

Loved ones?: family and friends and my yang.
Get kicked on the butt: Yea, kind of.
Allergic?: I THINK I am allergic to certain cats. I THINK.
Whole fortune: I have stated my point on the 'couple' question.
Age of marriage?:
Childrens wanted?: 3 or 4?

Age of death?: Untouchable question.
Animals in house?: Pigs.
Longest fingernail ever kept: Hmmm.. I dont measure my fingernails.

Wanted birthday present: Twister, Jonas Brothers related stuff( mainly the movie soundtrack, the book) , Miley related stuff, The teen game of life, Capo, Microcube, Happiness :)
The end? :Again, I have stated my point on the 'couple' question.

Q: In your dream, a god tells you that you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?
A: Oh gosh. Many many things. But honestly, as superficial as it sounds, I would really want to stop poverty with my yang.

5 things to do:
- Pack for camp
- Draw the stupid darn components for KH
- Homework, drat homework.
- Sleep off my eyebags
- Change.

things that I am doing right now:
- Listening to 'Ur so Gay'

i tagggggg...

- Iman
- Joshua
- Siew Ho
- Sam
- Manda
- Dele
- Fatin and Alisha

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